Website Privacy Notice — last modified: 2024-08-13


Welcome to (the "Website"). This privacy notice explains how Samaya AI, Inc ("Samaya AI", "we", "our", or "us") collects, stores, processes, transfers, shares and uses information that identifies or is associated with you ("personal information") when you access and browsed the Website.

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or how we use your personal information, please contact us using the details in paragraph 2 below.

Who is responsible for your personal information?

Samaya AI, Inc is the operator of the Website. If you are in the UK, Samaya AI is the data controller of the personal information that we hold and use as set out in this privacy notice. This means that we determine and our responsible for how your personal information is used.

If you have any questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy notice or how we use your personal information, please contact [email protected].

Personal information we collect about you and how we use it

We collect personal information that you submit directly to us when you use the Website. This can include information you provide to us when you make a request on the Website, correspond with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise, subscribe for our waitlist or newsletters, or use some other features of the Website.

We will indicate to you if the provision of certain personal information is mandatory or optional. If you choose not to provide any personal information marked as mandatory, we may not be able to respond to your queries or provide other services to you.

Like all online services, we also collect certain personal information about you automatically when you use the Website in order to understand how the Website is used and how we can improve it.

We have set out the categories of personal information we collect and how we use them in detail below.

Personal information you submit to us directly

We collect the following categories of personal information that you submit to us when you sign up for our waitlist or newsletter or contact us directly:

  • Contact information, such as your name and email address. We use this to communicate with you and respond to your enquiries. If you have subscribed to our waitlist or newsletter we also use this to send you relevant updates about Samaya AI and our services.
  • Email preferences, such as whether you have subscribed to our waitlist or newsletter. We use this information to send you updates about Samaya AI and our services in accordance with your preferences.

If you are in the UK, further information about the personal information we collect, how we use it and the lawful basis we rely on is set out in the "Additional Information for European Users" section at the end of this privacy notice.

Personal information we collect through the Careers section on our Website

Please see our Applicant Privacy Notice for information about the personal information we collect when you submit an application to join our team.

Personal information we collect if you interact with us on social media

If you "follow" or connect with us on social media, or "tag" us in posts that you upload to social media, we will collect the following information:

  • How you have interacted with us, such as any posts addressed to us or in which you tagged us, or if you have "liked" one of our posts.
  • The personal information you make public on the social media network in accordance with your settings, such as your profile name and picture.

We use this information to respond to your comments or posts that are addressed to or reference us and to inform our social media strategy.

If you are in the UK, further information about the personal information we collect, how we use it and the lawful basis we rely on is set out in the "Additional Information for European Users" section at the end of this privacy notice.

Personal information we collect automatically

We and our third-party partners automatically collect the following information about how you access and use the Website:

  • Information about your device and network, such as device type, manufacturer, model, operating system, IP address, browser type and unique identifiers associated with your device or your network.
  • Information about how you use the Website, such as the time you access the Website and how long you access it for, the approximate location that you access the Website from, the site from which you came and the site to which you are going when you leave the Website, the pages you visit, the links you click, your interactions on the Website and other actions you take on the Website.

We use the above information to present the Website to you on your device and identify and prevent suspicious or malicious use of the Website. We may also use aggregated information about the traffic to our Website to identify overall Website visitor numbers. If you are in the UK, further information about the information we collect, how we use it and the lawful basis we rely on is set out in the "Additional Information for European Users" section at the end of this privacy notice.

Cookies and similar technologies

We collect information about how you access and view the Website through a variety of automated data collection technologies, including cookies and similar technologies such as beacons, pixels, embedded scripts and logging technologies.

Information about the specific cookies we use is set out in the "Additional Information for European Users" section at the end of this privacy notice.

If you are in the UK, other than cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to present the Website to you or provide a feature or functionality of the Website, we will only use cookies and similar technologies to the extent you have given us your consent to do so.

If you are in the US, most browsers will also allow you to change your browser settings to limit automatic data collection technologies on websites. Please note that blocking automatic data collection technologies through third-party tools and features may negatively impact your experience using our Website, as some features and offerings may not work properly or at all. Depending on the third-party tool or feature you use, you may not be able to block all automatic data collection technologies, or you may need to update your preferences on multiple devices or browsers.

How long we keep your personal information

We will store the personal information we collect for no longer than necessary for the purposes set out and in accordance with our legal obligations and legitimate business interests.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal information and the applicable legal requirements.

If you are in the UK, further information about how long we retain your personal information is set out in the "Additional Information for European Users" section at the end of this privacy notice.


As required in accordance with how we use your personal information, we may share your personal information with the following:

Recipient Why we share it and how they will use it
Affiliates. We may share personal information with other companies owned or controlled by us, such as our subsidiaries (i.e., any organisation we own or control) or our ultimate holding company (i.e., any organisation that owns or controls us) and any subsidiaries it owns. We may share information with our affiliates that provide internal services and support to us, or to coordinate promotional efforts across our group.
Service providers, such as providers of web hosting or other technical services such as analytic services or communication services. These third-party vendors and other service providers perform services for us or on our behalf.
Advisors, such as legal advisors or accountants. These advisors will use your personal information to provide advisory services to us.
Purchasers and third parties in connection with a business transaction. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or shares, reorganisation, financing, change of control or acquisition of all or a portion of our business. These recipients will use your personal information to review and assess a potential transaction to purchase our business or assets.
Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons. We may share your personal information with third parties as required by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (i) comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law enforcement; (ii) detect and investigate illegal activities and breaches of agreements; and / or (iii) exercise or protect the rights, property or personal safety of Samaya AI or others. These recipients will use your personal information in the performance of their regulatory or law enforcement role, or to advise us in connection with a potential claim or regulatory enforcement action.

Email communications

We will only send you updates and promotional communications if you subscribe to our waitlist or newsletter. You can stop receiving updates and promotional email communications from us at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link provided in any of our email communications.

Your rights in respect of your personal information

The California “Shine the Light” law gives residents of California the right under certain circumstances to request information from us regarding the manner in which we share certain categories of personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. You may submit this type of by contacting us using the contact details in paragraph 2 above.

If you are a resident of the state of Nevada in the United States, you have the right to opt- out of the sale of your personal data. Although we do not currently sell personal data of Nevada residents (as defined under Nevada law), you may submit a request to opt-out of the sale of your personal data by contacting us using the contact details in paragraph 2 above.

If you are in the UK, information about your rights is set out in the "Additional Information for European Users" section at the end of this privacy notice

Links to third party sites

The Website may, from time to time, contain links to and from third party websites, including those of other users, our partner networks, advertisers, partner merchants, news publications, social media platforms, retailers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies. Please check the individual policies before you submit any information to those websites.

Our policy towards children

The Website is not directed at persons under 18 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information, without your consent, either directly or by other means, then please contact us using the details below so that we can take steps to delete such information and terminate any account your child has created with us.

Changes to this policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time and so you should review this page periodically. When we change this privacy notice in a material way, we will update the "last modified" date at the start of this privacy notice. Changes to this privacy notice are effective when they are posted on this page.

Notice to you

If we need to provide you with information about something, whether for legal, marketing or other business-related purposes, we will select what we believe is the best way to get in contact with you. We will usually do this through email or by placing a notice on the Website.

Additional information for European users

Additional information about personal information we collect and how we use it

Personal information you submit to us directly
Category of personal information How we may use it Lawful basis we rely on
Contact information such as your name and email address, the company you work for and your job title. We use this to communicate with you and respond to your enquiries. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to communicate with users of our Website and prospective customers.
If you have subscribed to our waitlist or newsletter we also use this to send you relevant updates about Samaya AI and our services. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to distribute promotional material to which individuals have subscribed.
Comments and enquiries that you submit to us. We use this to communicate with you and respond to your enquiries. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to communicate with users of our Website and prospective customers.
Email preferences, such as whether you have subscribed to our waitlist or newsletter. We use this information to send you updates about Samaya AI and our services in accordance with your preferences. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to distribute promotional material to which individuals have subscribed.
Personal information we collect if you interact with us on social media
Personal information How we may use it Lawful basis we rely on
How you have interacted with us, such as any posts addressed to us or in which you tagged us, or if you have "liked" one of our posts. We use this information to respond to your comments or posts that are addressed to us or reference us. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely promoting the Website, Samaya AI, and any content that we publish on social media.
We use this information to inform our social media marketing strategy, including choosing and creating the content that we post to our social media pages. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely informing our social media marketing strategy.
The personal information you make public on the social media network in accordance with your settings, such as your profile name and picture. We use this information to respond to your comments or posts that are addressed to us or reference us. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely promoting the Website, Samaya AI, and any content that we publish on social media.
We use this information to inform our social media marketing strategy, including choosing and creating the content that we post to our social media pages. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely informing our social media marketing strategy.
Personal information we collect if you interact with us on social media
Personal information How we use it Lawful basis we rely on
Information about your device and network, such as device type, manufacturer, model, operating system, IP address, browser type and unique identifiers associated with your device or your network. We use this information to operate the Website and present it to you in the correct format for your device. The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you.
We use this information to ensure the security and integrity of the Website by identifying and preventing suspicious or automated traffic. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely ensuring the security and integrity of the Website.
Information about how you use the Website, such as the time you access the Website and how long you access it for, the approximate location that you access the Website from, the site from which you came and the site to which you are going when you leave the Website, the pages you visit, the links you click, your interactions on the Website and other actions you take on the Website. We use this information to operate the Website and present it to you in the correct format for your device. The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you.
We use this information to ensure the security and integrity of the Website by identifying and preventing suspicious or automated traffic. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely ensuring the security and integrity of the Website.
What cookies do we use on our Website?
Cookie name Cookie type Duration Purpose
_cfbm Strictly necessary (security) 30 minutes Identification and prevention of access to the Website by bots.
__cfuvid Strictly necessary (security) session Rate limiting to avoid the Website from being overloaded (such as in the course of an attack).
Additional information about how long we keep personal information
Personal information How long we keep it
Contact information that we collect when you submit an enquiry to us and the content of that enquiry. We delete this information once we have responded to your enquiry.
Contact information that we collect when you subscribe to our waiting list or newsletter, and your email preferences. For as long as you remain subscribed to our waiting list or newsletter.
Information about how you interact with us on social media. While we may be able to see this information on our social media page for as long as it remains on that page, we do not collect or store this information ourselves.
Information we collect automatically. For the duration of your browsing session. Information we collect to monitor the performance of our Website is stored in aggregated and anonymised form.
Additional information about how we share personal information
How we may share personal information Lawful basis we rely on
Affiliates. We may share personal information with other companies owned or controlled by us, such as our subsidiaries (i.e., any organisation we own or control) or our ultimate holding company (i.e., any organisation that owns or controls us) and any subsidiaries it owns.
We may share information with our affiliates that provide internal services and support to us, or to coordinate promotional efforts across our group.
The lawful basis we rely on for these transfers is that it is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely administering, providing and receiving centralised intragroup services.
Service providers, such as providers of web hosting or other technical services such as analytic services or communication services. These service providers will use your personal information as processors on our instructions.
Advisors, such as legal advisors or accountants. These third-party vendors and other service providers perform services for us or on our behalf. The lawful basis we rely on for these transfers is that the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely obtaining legal, accounting and other professional advice.
Purchasers and third parties in connection with a business transaction. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or shares, reorganisation, financing, change of control or acquisition of all or a portion of our business.
These recipients will use your personal information to review and assess a potential transaction to purchase our business or assets.
The lawful basis we rely on for these transfers is that they are necessary for our and the purchaser's legitimate interests, namely to conduct due diligence on our business and assets in connection with a potential acquisition.
Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons. We may share your personal information with third parties as required by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (i) comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law enforcement; (ii) detect and investigate illegal activities and breaches of agreements; and / or (iii) exercise or protect the rights, property or personal safety of Samaya AI or others.
These recipients will use your personal information in the performance of their regulatory or law enforcement role, or to advise us in connection with a potential claim or regulatory enforcement action.
The lawful basis we rely on for sharing personal information with these recipients is that the processing is either necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject or, where there is no applicable legal obligation to share this data, that the sharing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely enforcing our rights or complying with requests from regulatory authorities.
International transfers

The personal information we collect may be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the jurisdiction you are in where we and our third-party service providers have operations, including in the United States. We will ensure that these international transfers of your personal information are made pursuant to appropriate safeguards, such as:

  • ensuring that the personal information is only transferred to countries or recipients recognised by the UK Secretary of State or the European Commission (as applicable) as offering an equivalent level of protection as compared to the level of protection in the country you are located "Adequacy"); or
  • the transfer is to a third party who uses appropriate safeguards in respect of the processing in question, included but not limited to the UK or EU standard contractual clauses, which are recognised as offering adequate protection for the rights and freedoms of data subject, as adopted by the UK Secretary of State or the European Commission (as applicable) ("Standard Contractual Clauses").

We may transfer your personal information to, or store your personal information in, the following countries:

Country Appropriate Safeguard
United States Standard Contractual Clauses Adequacy (for recipients certified to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and UK Extension)

We will take appropriate steps to ensure that your personal information is treated securely and in accordance with applicable law and this privacy notice regardless of where it is processed.

If you wish to enquire further about the safeguards we use, please contact us using the details set out at the end of this privacy notice.

Your rights

If you are resident in the UK, in accordance with applicable privacy law you have the following rights in respect of your personal information that we hold:

  • Right of access. You have the right to obtain
    1. confirmation of whether, and where, we are processing your personal information;
    2. information about the categories of personal information we are processing, the purposes for which we process your personal information and information as to how we determine applicable retention periods;
    3. information about the categories of recipients with whom we may share your personal information; and
    4. a copy of the personal information we hold about you.
  • Right of portability. You have the right, in certain circumstances, to receive a copy of the personal information you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format that supports re-use, or to request the transfer of your personal information to another person.
  • Right to rectification. You have the right to obtain rectification of any inaccurate or incomplete personal information we hold about you without undue delay.
  • Right to erasure. You have the right, in some circumstances, to require us to erase your personal information without undue delay if the continued processing of that personal information is not justified.
  • Right to restriction. You have the right, in some circumstances, to require us to limit the purposes for which we process your personal information if the continued processing of the personal information in this way is not justified, such as where the accuracy of the personal information is contested by you.
  • Right to withdraw consent. Where we rely on your consent for processing your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your personal information before you withdrew your consent.

You have a right to object to any processing based on our legitimate interests. There may, depending on the particular circumstances, be compelling reasons for continuing to process your personal information despite your objection, and we will assess and inform you if that is the case. You can object to marketing activities for any reason.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details at the top of this privacy notice.

We will not charge you a fee for complying with your request to exercise one of these rights, other than where the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive (such as if you submit a number of repeated requests), in which case we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover our administrative costs.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint to your national data protection authority. If you are in the UK, your local data protection authority is the Information Commissioner's Office, which can be contacted using the details at